Is a Therapy Intensive Right for You?
Ashley French Ashley French

Is a Therapy Intensive Right for You?

What if there was a way to feel better faster? What if, instead of spending 3-6 months in weekly therapy to address one issue, you could work through it in just a few longer sessions?

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How A Therapist Deals with Travel Stress
Ashley French Ashley French

How A Therapist Deals with Travel Stress

You planned SO well, but sometimes things go wrong. We’ve all been there. The cancelled flights. Sore muscles from extended time on airport floors, uncomfortable seats and long flights. Lost luggage. The person in front of you screaming at an airline employee. Snapping at traveling companions. Forgetting something important…

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Why is it so hard to stop people-pleasing?
Ashley French Ashley French

Why is it so hard to stop people-pleasing?

You feel guilty saying no. You want everyone to like you, and you definitely don’t want anyone to think or say anything negative about you. You kind of hate that you’re like this but you don’t know how to stop, and part of you also doesn’t want to stop because you LIKE that people love you. It’s quite the conundrum.

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5 Questions for People-Pleasers to Ask Themselves Before Saying Yes
Ashley French Ashley French

5 Questions for People-Pleasers to Ask Themselves Before Saying Yes

One of the hardest things for people-pleasers to do is say no, especially to employers and people they care about. You feel guilty saying no, or worry about what they will think if you say no. You think…will my boss think I’m not a team player and won’t promote me? They’re family so I have to say yes. And on the deepest level, you fear you will be rejected if you don’t say yes. This drives you to end up saying yes, even though you don’t have the capacity or if it conflicts with your own needs or leaves you feeling resentful.

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4 Ways Anxiety is Lying to You
Ashley French Ashley French

4 Ways Anxiety is Lying to You

Most of the time anxiety is trying to protect us and keep us safe from potential threats, but the mind gets overzealous and can actually CREATE more anxiety when it's just trying to help. A little anxiety is okay and can be helpful - but too much is exhausting, frustrating and makes us feel worse. Sometimes our anxiety is actually lying to us and instead of helping, it hurts us. Here are 4 ways your anxiety lies to you…

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Ashley French Ashley French

Why you struggle with body image

How many times have you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and felt discouraged, maybe even disgusted? Or seen a photo of yourself and immediately criticized how your body looked? These responses are so conditioned in us that they’re second nature - we don’t even think about it but we immediately look for what is wrong and what doesn’t look good…

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Ashley French Ashley French

3 Types of Boundaries Everyone Should Have

Most of us never learned how to set boundaries with others, not necessarily because we’re bad people or because we had bad parents, (though we may have had poor boundaries modeled to us), but because at some point not having boundaries worked in our favor. Maybe we felt liked, needed, wanted. Maybe doing things for others is where we found purpose, or worth…

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Ashley French Ashley French

How to Communicate Effectively

Which communication style are you? What you say is just as important as how you say it. Learn the 4 communication styles, and which one you should be aiming for.

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