Therapy for Body Image

You don’t have to have an eating disorder to struggle with body image.

Body image struggles plague us all. You look in the mirror and you don’t like what you see.  Your clothes feel a little tight. Things feel a little softer. You wish you were thinner, taller, shorter, stronger, more flexible, smaller/bigger boobs, hips, waist etc, etc. You’re hard on yourself when you eat “shit” for a few days or a few weeks. You’ve tried diets and restriction plans like whole 30, paleo, vegan, keto, carb-cycling and etc, and they work…until you stop and the weight comes back on, and usually even more than you lost. You feel accomplished while you’re on the diet, but you’re also a little miserable because restricting is a lot of work and it takes the fun out of eating. When you “succeed” you get a temporary boost, but when you “fail” or mess up, you feel shitty about yourself.  When you gain the weight back all the compliments stop, which also feels shitty.

You’re tired of dieting and doing all the things.

You’re tired of feeling anxious about the way your body looks and the way clothes fit.

You don’t want to go on another diet or care what other people think, you just want to feel good in your body.

There’s got to be a better way, right?

There is.

There is a way to find peace with your body. You can learn to appreciate it, accept it and feel comfortable in it. It’s not easy. It involves looking at a lot of the ways you’ve been conditioned to view yourself and the world, but it’s possible.

I help clients:

  • shut down unwanted diet talk around them

  • stop engaging in diet and body-shaming talk

  • stop listening to what culture says they should look like

  • stop measuring their worth by their clothing size

  • learn to accept and appreciate their bodies

I teach clients skills to set boundaries, develop confidence and learn to trust themselves.

My approach and techniques are the same ones I use to treat my other specialties. Many of my clients struggle with body image but it’s not to the degree of a diagnosable eating disorder that requires specialized treatment. I’m not an Eating Disorder therapist or a dietician. I do NOT provide therapy for eating disorders. I know sometimes we hear the word body image and associate it with eating disorders and while it’s true that body image is part of eating disorders, not all body image issues are eating disorders. I work with body image as it relates to my specializations of people-pleasing, highly sensitive persons, burnout and anxiety. If any of this is resonating and you’re ready to start feeling comfortable in your own body again, book a free consult call now using the button below.