Therapy for People-Pleasing, Burnout & Anxiety in Denver, CO

You are overwhelmed. Stressed. Anxious.

You keep replaying conversations from a week ago over and over in your head, questioning yourself.

You’re fighting with your significant other or loved ones - and you hate it.

You’re having moments of panic, weight changes, or losing sleep - maybe all of it.

Maybe you feel resentful or unfulfilled.

…Even though your life looks good on paper, which makes you feel worse.

Because you have a job, somewhere to live, maybe a relationship - that should be enough, right? Except that it isn’t. And there is nothing wrong with you for wanting more, or wanting something different.

You’ve been called a people-pleaser, overthinker or a perfectionist.

You thought stress and anxiety are just part of life, but this is too much.

You are SO tired of feeling this way.

You’ve tried girls’ nights, hair cuts, yoga and fitness routines (when you can find time, which is also hard). Maybe you’ve even read some self-improvement books.

And they work for a while, but it never lasts.

You worry you are the only one who feels this way.

You aren’t.

You wonder if therapy can help.

It can.

Ashley is an anxiety therapist in Denver CO. Ashley has wavy brown hair, is wearing brown glasses and a purple sweater and is smiling at the camera.

Hi, I’m Ashley! And if any of this sounds like you…you are my people.

I get you. And you don’t have to feel this way anymore.

I help clients:

Stop overthinking all the time

Learn how to say no without feeling guilty

Shift from overwhelmed and anxious to calm and balanced

Recover from burnout

Specializing in…

  • Therapy for People-Pleasing & Perfectionism

    If you are tired of always bending over backwards to help others and feeling resentful and exhausted? Wish you could just get things done without everything having to be perfect? Wish you didn’t feel like you had to be so perfect all the time, because it’s exhausting and it doesn’t feel sustainable? If that sounds like, you’re not alone and it doesn’t have to keep being this way.

  • Anxiety Therapy

    Not all anxiety is panic attacks. Sometimes it’s overthinking everything, always worrying what others will think and replaying the same situations or conversations over and over again. It can look like lying in bed awake at night worrying about things you can’t change at 3am. It can be looking calm on the outside, but inside feels like a constant buzzing energy and worry, like your brain is constantly on a hamster wheel. Sound familiar?

  • Therapy for Burnout

    Burnout is what happens when you’ve been stressed for a long time. Burnout makes you irritable, tired and zaps your energy. Burnout feels like hitting a wall and sliding down it. Burnout feels like nothing is going to change. Burnout makes you question your career and life choices. But what if it didn’t have to be this way anymore? What if I told you there is a way to break the burnout cycle? Because there is. Burnout is treatable.

In person therapy provided at my office in Denver.

Online therapy available throughout Colorado.


Ready to

get started?

Here’s what to expect.

  1. Book a free consult directly through the online scheduler by clicking here. You’ll get a phone call at the scheduled time, plus a reminder before.

  2. Consultation calls last approximately 20 minutes. We’ll talk about why you are looking for therapy at this time, how my practice works, and you’ll have a chance to ask any additional questions you may have.

  3. If it seems like a good fit, we’ll set up your first appointment and you’ll be sent intake paperwork.

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